Metam Sodium
| 来源-本站收集整理 | 作者-本站 | 2012-05-23

Property Value Source/Quality Score/Other Information Interpretation
Solubility - In water at 20oC (mg l-1) 578290 A5 High
Solubility - In organic solvents at 20oC (mg l-1) 212.6 A5 - n-Heptane -
261.1 A5 - Xylene -
203.2 A5 - Ethyl acetate -
218.8 A5 - Acetone -
Melting Point (oC) 88.5 A5 -
Boiling Point (oC) Decomposes before boiling A5 -
Degradation point (oC) 150 A5 -
Flashpoint (oC) 97 A5 -
Octanol-water partition coefficient at pH 7, 20oC P 1.23 X 10-03 Calculated -
Log P -2.91 A5 Low
Bulk density (g ml-1)/Specific gravity - - -
Dissociation constant (pKa) at 25oC 2.99 A5 -
Note: pKa(2) = 11.06
Vapour pressure at 25oC (mPa) 57.5 A5 Volatile
Henry's law constant at 25oC (Pa m3 mol-1) 8.34 X 10-06 A5 Non-volatile
Henry's law constant at 20oC (dimensionless) 5.27 X 10-09 Calculated Non-volatile
GUS leaching potential index 2.32 Calculated Transition state
SCI-GROW groundwater index (g l-1) for a 1 kg ha-1 or 1 l ha-1 application rate Value 1.57 X 10-02 Calculated -
Note -
Potential for particle bound transport index - Calculated Low
Maximum UV-vis absorption L mol-1 cm-1 Neutral solution: 205.0nm = 7502.8, 248.0nm = 7942.3, 280.0nm = 9924.0, 290nm >10; [Acidic solution: can not measured due to rapid hydrolysis; [Basic solution: 248.0nm = 8042.5, 280.0nm = 9796.8, 290nm >10 A5 -
Surface tension (mN m-1) 72.0 A5 at 21oC -


Property Value Source/Quality Score/Other Information Interpretation
Soil degradation (days) (aerobic) DT50 (typical) 7 C4 Non-persistent
DT50 (lab at 20oC) 0.01 A5 Non-persistent
DT50 (field) 7 C4 Non-persistent
DT90 (lab at 20oC) 0.03 A5 -
DT90 (field) - - -
Note EU Dossier lab studies DT50 range 4-22 minutes, DT90 range 13-72 minutes; Other sources: up to 7 days
Aqueous photolysis DT50 (days) at pH 7 Value 0.05 A5 Fast
Note -
Aqueous hydrolysis DT50 (days) at 20oC and pH 7 Value 2.2 A5 Non-persistent
Note pH sensitive: DT50 1.9 days at pH 5, 4.5 days at pH 9, all at 25 degC
Water-Sediment DT50 (days) 0.07 A5 Fast
Water phase only DT50 (days) - - -

Soil adsorption and mobility:

Property Value Source/Quality Score/Other Information Interpretation
Linear Kd - DW3 Mobile
Koc 17.8
Notes and range EU dossier data
Freundlich Kf - - -
Kfoc -
1/n -
Notes and range -
pH sensitivity -

Key metabolites:

Metabolite Formation Medium Estimated Maximum Occurrence Fraction 91/414 Relevancy
methyl isothiocyanate (Ref: SN-32866) Soil   0.829   Major fraction, Relevant

Other known metabolites:

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