Methyl Isothiocyanate
| 来源-本站收集整理 | 作者-本站 | 2012-05-23


Property Value Source/Quality Score/Other Information Interpretation
Soil degradation (days) (aerobic) DT50 (typical) 2.63 A4 Non-persistent
DT50 (lab at 20oC) 2.63 A5 Non-persistent
DT50 (field) 2.1 A5 Non-persistent
DT90 (lab at 20oC) 11.2 A5 -
DT90 (field) - - -
Note EU dossier (metam) lab studies DT50 range: 0.97-8.31 days, DT90 range 3.2-27.6 days; field studies DT50 range 1.3-20.3 days; EU dossier (dazomet) lab studies range 5-32.7 days; Other literature studies Lab range - 24 soils, nursery and forest, various app rates
Aqueous photolysis DT50 (days) at pH 7 Value 6 K2 Moderately fast
Note -
Aqueous hydrolysis DT50 (days) at 20oC and pH 7 Value 50 A3 Moderately persistent
Note -
Water-Sediment DT50 (days) 0.37 A5 Fast
Water phase only DT50 (days) - - -

Soil adsorption and mobility:

Property Value Source/Quality Score/Other Information Interpretation
Linear Kd - - -
Koc -
Notes and range -
Freundlich Kf 0.35 A5 Very mobile
Kfoc 13.5
1/n 0.830
Notes and range EU dossier Kf range 0.21-0.43, Kfoc range 9.0-20.2ml/g, 1/n range 0.755-9.05, Soils=5
pH sensitivity No


Property Value Source/Quality Score/Other Information Interpretation
Bio-concentration factor BCF 2.6 K2 Estimated Low potential
CT50 (days) Not available -
Bioaccumulation potential - Calculated Low
Mammals - Acute oral LD50 (mg kg-1) 147 A5 Rat Moderate
Mammals - Short term dietary NOEL (mg kg-1) - - -
(ppm diet) - -
Birds - Acute LD50 (mg kg-1) 136 V3 Anas platyrhynchos Moderate
Birds - Short term dietary (LC50/LD50) - - -
Fish - Acute 96 hour LC50 (mg l-1) 0.0531 A5 Oncorhynchus mykiss High
Fish - Chronic 21 day NOEC (mg l-1) 0.005 A5 Oncorhynchus mykiss, 28 day -
Aquatic invertebrates - Acute 48 hour EC50 (mg l-1) 0.076 A5 Daphnia magna High
Aquatic invertebrates - Chronic 21 day NOEC (mg l-1) 0.00625 A5 Daphnia magna -
Aquatic crustaceans - Acute 96 hour LC50 (mg l-1) - - -
Sediment dwelling organisms - Acute 96 hour LC50 (mg l-1) - - -
Sediment dwelling organisms - Chronic 28 day NOEC, static, water (mg l-1) - - -
Sediment dwelling organisms - Chronic 28 day NOEC, sediment (mg kg-1) - - -
Aquatic plants - Acute 7 day EC50, biomass (mg l-1) 0.59 A5 Lemna gibba Moderate
Algae - Acute 72 hour EC50, growth (mg l-1) 0.58 A5 Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Moderate
Algae - Chronic 96 hour NOEC, growth (mg l-1) > 0.125 L2 Unknown species Moderate
Honeybees - Acute 48 hour LD50 (g bee-1) - - -
Earthworms - Acute 14 day LC50 (mg kg-1) 4.0 A5 Eisenia foetida High
Earthworms - Chronic 14 day NOEC, reproduction (mg kg-1) - - -
Other soil macro-organisms - e.g. Collembola LR50product ha
EC50product ha
NOECproduct ha
% Effect
- - -
Other arthropod (1) LR50 g ha-1 - - -
% Effect - - -
Other arthropod (2) LR50 g ha-1 - - -
% Effect - - -
Soil micro-organisms - - -
Mesocosm study data NOEAEC mg l-1 - - -
NOEAEC mg l-1 - - -



Property Value Source/Quality Score/Other Information Interpretation
Mammals - Acute oral LD50 (mg kg-1) 147 A5 Rat Moderate
Mammals - Dermal LD50 (mg kg-1 body weight) > 1290 A5 Rabbit -
Mammals - Inhalation LC50 (mg l-1) 0.54 A5 Rat -
Other Mammal toxicity endpoints - -
ADI - Acceptable Daily Intake (mg kg-1bw day-1) 0.004 / 0.001 A5 Dog, SF=100 / variable data across EU dossiers -
ARfD - Acute Reference Dose (mg kg-1bw day-1) 0.03 A5 Rat -
AOEL - Acceptable Operator Exposure Level - Systemic (mg kg-1bw day-1) 0.004 A5 Rat -
Dermal penetration studies (%) - - -
Dangerous Substances Directive 76/464 - - -
Exposure Limits - - -
Exposure Routes Public [Some bystander risk identified via spray drift exposure]
Occupational [May be fatal if absorbed through the skin], [Respiratory equipment required to mitigate risk], [Risks identified in glasshouse environments]
Examples of European MRLs (mg kg-1) Value -
Note For the EU pesticides database click here
Drinking Water MAC (g l-1) 0.1 A5 EU Dir 89/778/EC limit -

Health issues:

Carcinogen Mutagen Endocrine disrupter Reproduction / development effects





Acetyl cholinesterase inhibitor Neurotoxicant Respiratory tract irritant Skin irritant Eye irritant




General human health issues [Toxic by ingestion], [Harmful via skin exposure and inhalation], [Possible thyroid toxicant], [Skin sensitiser]

√ : Yes, known to cause a problem
× : No, known not to cause a problem
? : Possibly, status not identified
- : No data

Handling issues:

Property Value Source/Quality Score/Other Information Interpretation
General [Corrosive], [Not explosive or oxidising]
EC Risk Classification [T - Toxic: R23/25], [Xn - Harmful: R21], [C - Corrosive: R34], [N - Dangerous for the environment: R50, R53]
EC Safety Classification S1/2, S36/37/39, S38, S45, S60, S61
WHO Classification II - Moderately hazardous
US EPA Classification (formulation) Not applicable - -
UN Number -
Waste disposal & packaging -


Language Name
English methyl isothiocyanate
French isothiocyanate de methyle
German Methylisothiocyanat
Danish methylisothiocyanat
Italian Isotiocianato di metile
Spanish isotiocianato de metilo
Greek -
Slovenian metil izotiocianat
Polish metyloizotiocyjanian
Swedish -
Hungarian -
Dutch methylisothiocyanaat

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